Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Principles of Web Design (Joel Sklar )- Part 1

Variables in Web Design Environment

  1. Browser compatibility
  2. Connection speed
  3. Screen resolution
  4. Operating system

Browser compatibility : As a web designer, has to test the work on different browsers.

Connection speed : Users do not anticipate waiting longer than 10 to 20 seconds. The solution can be working with the cache- is the browser's temprory storage area for web pages and images. The browser always tries to load images from the cache rather than downloading them again from the web.

Screen resolution : The design has to code for multiple screen resolution- is the width and height of the computer screen in pixels. It's not our control. We have Fixed Design, Flexible Design, and Centered Design.

Operating System: The least control.

Web Site Design Principles

Design for the computer media : Destination is a computer monitor not the printed page. The interface called Look & Feel. The look and feel is both the way our web site work and the personality it conveys to the user.

Make the portable design : Web site design must be portable and accessible by users who have different platforms. The page can contain a link informing users that they must use an updated browser to view.

Design for low bandwidth: The pages have to accessible at a variety of connection speeds.

Easy access to information : How easily users can access the web content. The goal is to organize our content andd present it as a meaningful set of information.