Sunday, February 22, 2009

ADDIE? Assure? Hannafin & Peck? or ?????

Base on my reading, considering to different Instructional Design models indicates that even though each of them has its properties, they are basically similar to each other. They just express the steps with focusing on any aspects of teaching. ADDIE base on behaviorism, Assure base on media selection, Hannafin & Peck base on education and so on.
However designing an application base on each popular model creates validity and reliability, but why we should limit ourselves between an exact framework and infrastructure? Any application base on its needs may be apply some different phases, however the most important thing is focusing on target group and also the objective. How this objective can be applied for this certain audience? This is a key point to make any educational program.


Anonymous said...

i like to use Hannafin and Peck...why???we can evaluate from the beginning till the end of the project...heheheh

Azza Haron said...

I agree with ezah..If we use Hannafin and Peck, it have formative n summative evaluation..we can evaluate the project continuously till the end of the project.

fazza said...

don't have experience in using hannafin and peck's ID. Only used ADDIE to develop educational courseware before this.